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Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia : International Office


KUPTM comprises a compact and fully-utilised 5-storey building. The lecture halls, classrooms, computer labs and other amenities promote a conducive teaching and learning atmosphere. The library is situated on the first floor of the building. With the increasing number of book collection and wide range of periodicals and journals, it offers an environment favourable for study and research. Free Wi-Fi is also available throughout the building.

Computer Lab


Student Area and Cafeteria

There are various areas within the college university premise for students to unwind between classes or to socialize with friends. If you need to buy snacks and stationery, there is a mart on the fourth floor of the college building to cater to such needs. The college university cafeteria provides a wide range of food and beverages. For those who are more adventurous, there are various open-air stalls and restaurants located just outside the college.


Library Resources

The library is located on the first floor of the campus building. We continuously improve the number and quality of our collection of books, periodicals and journals. We are committed to offer our students an environment that is not only conducive for study but also for research. The library is also outfitted with workstations from where students can access the online catalogue, electronic database and the internet.

Accommodation Service
Learn more on the Accomodation Service

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Al Khawarizmi Library WebOPAC
